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Writer's pictureBrittany Brown

Her Intentional Life

Joshua (my husband) is always telling me to capture my words electronically. I fill journals, notebooks, and planners with words, ideas, quotes and truths that have impacted me through the years. It is a running joke between us that my boxes filled with words take up most of our closet space. I can't help it, I'm a pen and paper girl.

As yesterday was coming to a close, I was sharing my heart with Joshua, what God has been teaching me, and he gently said; "you should capture that electronically Brittany. I've always said you have already written books on all those pages."

So here I am- after two years of paying to host my blog, and not writing a single thing... Knowing I am called to write, afraid of my terrible grammar, wondering why, but being obeident, so I will capture my words electronically. I don't know if my ramblings will ever be read, and that's just fine by me. Because somewhere deep down inside I know God has given me a desire to write, to share, and if you're the only gal pal to skim these pages of the internet- then welcome friend, I hope you find some encouragement and are spurred to live intentionally with the time our generous Father has given you!

One of my favorite books that is on my shelf, is a small compilation of Elisabeth Elliot's writings to her daughter Valerie, titled "Let Me Be a Woman" it is chalked full of Biblical truths, but it was never intended to be a theologically rich exortation to the church, rather it was a Mother's teachings to her daughter of things she has learned through the years. my copy is highlighted, underlined, and written all over. As the years have gone by, each time I pull it from the shelf, I have begun to think of my own daughters. I have two of them, both adults now...

This tiny corner of the worldwide web will be filled with ponderings, a reaching out, extending a warm hug, along with a cup of coffee, and heartfelt conversations- just as if I were talking with my girls. What would I want them to know about living radicdally different as women chosen by God? How would I want them to learn from the things Christ has taught me? I would want these beautiful women to know that the Christian life is an intentional life, it is responsive, not reactive. I would encourage HER to live HER INTENTIONAL LIFE, enraptured by the truth of God's word, fully alive unto Him, filled with joy and fullness.

So here's to a new era, and to sharing in the goodness of God.

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